
Why they can barbecue at work?!

Surprise!!! They can barbecue at work!!!! 

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

Klean-- Because we are testing our now born baby Barbecue machine(with electrostatic precipitator). 
√ Klean Barbecue Machine (with electrostatic precipitator) : Save the true flavor of BBQ (Compared with electrical BBQ Grill);
√ Klean Barbecue Machine (with electrostatic precipitator) : Can purified most of the BBQ fume. Fume elimination efficiency is more than 95%;
√ Klean Barbecue Machine (with electrostatic precipitator) : Most odors would be eliminated, no complaints will be incurred.

More information please kindly contact me: susan.jiang.04@gmail.com
company website: www.klean-esp.com


Oil Mist Collector for Textile Stenter/ Tenter Frames

A frequent result of heatsetting process of fabrics with a stenter is the release of heavy hot fumes containing organic oil vapors, dye staff particulates, finishing auxiliary mist, fabric scraps, etc. causing prodigious heat losses and air pollution.
Waste heat getting released along with the flue gas can be recovered using our heat recovery unit and can be supplemented into the tenter frame again, while the cooled flue gas passes through a pre-filtration device, where fiber particulates can be separated, then enters a heat exchanger and gets further cooled down to a certain level where our ESP performs best, and finally enters our ESP, where organic oil vapors, dye staff particulates, finishing auxiliary mist getting captured and condensed can be collected and put into other proper use, leaving the processed flue gas coming out clean.

Klean Environmental Technology Co., Ltd
Kelantechnics Environmental Products Co., Ltd
TEL: 86-757-8120 2091, FAX: 86-757-81208893


KLEAN 's Solution to Collect DOP Oil Mist Emissions

Theoretically speaking, ESP technologies are used for the purpose of removing particulate matters from gas streams by applying an electrostatic charge to the fume & mist particulate with electrons emitted from the cathode section of the high voltage electric field, and negative ions produced as a result of co-mingling and collision of electrons and air molecules. Following the negative electrostatic field created by the power supply, the negatively charged particulates would be attracted to the positively charged anode section and get captured, while the purified exhaust gas comes out clean.
Given the tiny size of the electrons (which is several orders of magnitude smaller than that of the fume & mist particulates) and the high density of electrons discharged (≥1× l08 / cm), ionization of fume & mist particulates entertained in the exhaust airflow would be practically inescapable.
Rather than simply due to the occasional collision, fume & mist particulates in the electric field are bound to be charged according to the rules of basic charging mechanisms, namely field and diffusion charging. Negatively charged particulates are bound to be attracted to the positively charged anode section and get captured, thus achieving an extremely high air cleaning efficiency.
In contrast to other air cleaning devices, ESP applies energy only to the particulate matter being collected and therefore impart very low pressure drop on the air stream. In most cases, it is not necessary to choose a 10 fan with much higher pressure for ventilation, resulting in a high –efficiency in its total consumption of energy (in the form of electricity)
Emissions of DOP plasticizer-based oily vapor from the processing of a wide variety of PVC product, such as synthetic leather, vinyl flooring, wallpaper, latex/vinyl gloves, anti-slip mats, flex banners, conveyor belts, PVC coated air socks, plastic wire mesh, etc. are contained and exhausted by the fume hood, then directed through the ventilation duct work and introduced into a water-cooled heat exchanger, where temperature of the exhaust gas can be cooled down to a certain level where conditions for the performance of the electrostatic precipitator (ESP) would be comparatively ideal. Oily contents in the exhaust gas, such as DOP, viscosity reducer, etc. are collected by the high voltage electric field created by our ESP, collection efficiency of which can reach up to ≥95%, while emissions of the processed exhaust gas would be legitimate. The collected oily particles coalesce into larger droplets, begin to flow, and drain from ESP. Featuring a comparatively high purity, the collected waste oil can still be recycled and used as raw material, or can be sold to the waste oil collector for further processing, thus the initial investment in this system can payoff over a short period of time.
1. Enormous efficiency:
Oil Mist Removal efficiency≥99%
Particulate removal efficiency ≥99% (at rated airflow capacity) .
2. Quanlity of waste oil collected by the ESP system can be huge, and collected oil features a comparatively high purity, which ca n be used as fuel, reused for lower end products or resold to waste collectors for further processing, thus the financial investment in this system can pay off over a short period of time.
3. Maxi mum security against fire hazards: consummate electrical protection functions, complemented with an efficient Fire detect ion and Suppression system, leaving no fire hazards undetected and no open flame unquenched.
4. Modular structure, plus multi-power control, ensuring the proper performance of the whole system even if some of the power packs failed to work.
5. Ease of cleaning and maintenance: Filter cells are washable and can be easily accessible through the cell access door.
We also designed an ESP system especially for the PVC production line. It can perfectly solve the air pollution problem during the PVC production process. Meanwhile, the waste DOPI DEHP oil collected by the ESP would feature a comparatively high purity, thus can be put into other proper use, or to be sold to the waste oil collector for further processing , offsetting a substantial amount of initial cap ital and operational investment.
Take a 25m-long drying line of a PVC production line for example. We'd normally recommend an ESP with an airflow capacity of 1 600 0 m /h. If the product ion line keeps working for 24 hours a day and 330 days per year, and fume concentration is up to 450mg /m , then the amount of collected waste oil per day would be:
Q = C * V * h* n " 450*16000*24*10* 99% = 171kg.
See the table below and get to know how much our ESP can save you and create for you.