
Filter cells Cleaning Demo

Our machine has filter cassettes inside, just like the filter screen in air condition. When the cassettes is dirty, then you need to clean it up. Each month you just need to clean up pre-filter, filter cells by soaking it in hot NAOH solution (NAOH: Water=1:25 in weight) for about 15 minutes, rinsing it and letting it dry. Then it will look new again. Meanwhile, clean up insulators with hot NAOH solution. Then use clean water to rinse out residue solution and detergents on the surface of insulators, and wipe them dry. Please see maintenance instruction. Please see the following video to know more about the "maintenance".

Water cannons spray cleaning

hot NAOH solution cleaning

hot NAOH solution cleaning

hot NAOH solution cleaning

hot NAOH solution cleaning

hot NAOH solution cleaning

Water cannons spray cleaning

Water cannons spray cleaning

